Anti-Inflammatory Munchies!

Anti-Inflammatory Munchies!


We know that too much inflammation can be a bad thing. But you can beat inflammation one mouthful at a time. Snacks are a great way to get anti-inflammatory superfoods into your diet. Today, we share some of our favorite recipes that will satisfy your tummy and keep you healthy for longer.


Spicy Mixed Nuts

This spicy mix is perfect for anywhere – the office, at home, or even to share at social occasions. You can tweak the chilli to your preference. Add a bit extra if you like it hot, or leave it out if you're not a big fan.

The anti-inflammatory powers here are in the nuts and spices. Walnuts are a great plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation on a cellular level. Spices contain plenty of health boosting antioxidants that can protect the body from the damage caused by inflammation.


Makes 4-6 serves

½ cup almonds

½ cup walnuts

½ cup macadamias

½ cup pistachios

1 tsp chilli powder

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp cumin

Pinch salt

Water, to cover nuts


Mix salt and water together. Add to bowl with nuts and allow to soak for 3-4 hours.


Drain nuts and spread over a baking tray or dehydrator rack. Mix the remaining ingredients into a spice blend, and sprinkle it over the nuts. Dehydrate until dry, or put in oven on the lowest temperature until dry.


Sweet Mixed Nuts

Maybe you're more of a sweet tooth? We've still got you covered. This is a variation on the spicy nuts that is still warming, but much sweeter in comparison.


This also contains naturally anti-inflammatory nuts like walnuts. But the sweet spices still offer potent antioxidant benefits. The stevia offers a sweet taste, without the inflammatory effects of sugar.


Makes 4-6 serves

½ cup almonds

½ cup walnuts

½ cup macadamias

½ cup pistachios

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp allspice

6-8 drops stevia (optional)

Pinch salt



Mix of salt with water. Add to bowl with nuts and allow to soak for 3-4 hours.


Drain nuts and spread over a baking tray or dehydrator rack. Mix the remaining ingredients into a spice blend, and sprinkle it over the nuts. Dehydrate until dry, or put in oven on the lowest temperature until dry.


Walnut Beet Dip

You can't 'beet' a good dip recipe! This is a great dip to enjoy anywhere. It goes well at social gatherings, with the vibrant purple hue capturing the eye.


It also contains oodles of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. The walnuts provide omega-3 fatty acids. Beets help to naturally reduce blood pressure. Add in some good fats from coconut oil and some spices, and you've got yourself the ideal anti-inflammatory dip.


Makes 4-6 serves

4 medium beets, roasted

2 tsp coconut oil

½ cup walnuts

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp dried garlic

1 tsp dried cilantro

1 Tbsp tahini


Add ingredients to blender or processor. Blend until smooth. Serve with sliced raw vegetables of your choice – try carrots, bell pepper and cucumber.


Chai Chia Pudding

Do you love a sweet treat in your day? Chia pudding is a fantastic way to spoil yourself, without the guilt. This chai flavored pudding takes it to the next level with anti-inflammatory goodness.


Chia seeds are a good source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. The spices that give you a chai flavor also give you a dose of anti-inflammatory antioxidants. By using coconut milk instead of dairy, you skip a potentially inflammatory ingredient, and fill up on the good stuff instead.


Makes 1 serve

¼ cup coconut milk

¼ cup water

1 Tbsp chia seeds

¼ tsp vanilla

½ tsp cinnamon

Pinch cardamom

Pinch cloves


Mix milk and spices together into a container until well combined. Add chia seeds, and mix.


Allow to gel for a few hours, or overnight, in fridge before serving.


Prefer To Do It Yourself? Anti-Inflammatory Ingredients To Use

Want to make your own anti-inflammatory snacks? Good for you! All you need is some creativity and plenty of anti-inflammatory ingredients to choose from. Here are our go-to ingredients for a making the ideal healthy snack.


Omega-3 Goodies

Omega-3 foods are one of your most powerful weapons against inflammation. Whether you love fish, or prefer a plant-based diet, there's an option for you.

Our top picks:

Chia seeds

Flax seeds


Smoked salmon



Spicy Flavors

Spices are one of the most nutrient-dense food groups, and that includes plenty of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. Whether you like your spices hot, savory or sweet, there's plenty that you can include in every snack.


Our top picks:







Good Oils

When you're dealing with inflammation, oils make a big difference. The key is to avoid the high omega-6 options, and instead look for those with anti-inflammatory properties. If you can use an oil that's high in omega-3 fatty acids, that's even better!



Our top picks:

Coconut oil

Olive oil

Flaxseed oil

Chia seed oil


Fabulous Fruit

Fruit is full of fresh flavor, but it also has a lot to offer your health as well. Seasonal is always best, but there are some super-fruits to include whenever you can. These have more antioxidants and fiber, and less sugar.


Our top picks:




Goji berries





Go-To Greens

It wouldn't be a super snack without some greens involved! Vegetables and herbs are packed with anti-inflammatory compounds that boost your energy, balance your blood sugar and keep you feeling healthier for longer. When in doubt, always add some more!


Our top picks:









So if you're serious about getting healthy and reducing your inflammation naturally, try including some tasty anti-inflammatory snacks to your day. You'll experience all the benefits of low inflammation, and your tummy will be happy too!






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